Starbucks announced last week it will begin selling its own, branded coffee maker (called the Verismo) toward the end of this year. Interestingly enough, Starbucks does not plan on ending its relationship with Green Mountain, who produces Starbucks K-Cups for use in Keurig machines. The Verismo can be used for expresso-based drinks (which would be an additional feature compared with the Keurig). I can't find any details on whether the Verismo can be used for standard coffee as well. Either way, this means that consumers will soon have three different ways for consuming Starbucks in the home (the Verismo, Keurig K-Cups, and traditional coffee grounds).
I think Starbucks is smart for taking a more direct role in the household coffee market. With their strong brand name, it is almost a certainty they will recoup their investment (and then some). And those that don't like the idea of ignoring their Keurig can still get their Starbucks fix through Green Mountain.

This move exemplifies Starbucks' active history at branching out of its comfort zone through additional markets and products (see a previous post of mine on Starbucks offering alcohol in restaurants). I don't disagree with these decisions, but I wonder at what point the company will do damage (or abandon all together) its core identity as a coffee house. Without looking at their financials, I have to imagine the overwhelming share of their revenue comes from sale of drinks in actual restaurants. If consumers begin to think of Starbucks as offering anything but high quality beverages (or lose the feeling that the Starbucks branded cup in their hand communicates a sense of sophistication and class), will Starbucks still maintain success?